Chapel of the Holy Spirit


Out of Print Books

Who is the Community of Celebration?

You may be surprised—we’re a religious order in the Episcopal Church established in the Anglican Church in England and Scotland. Our roots stretch back to the mid-1960's in Houston’s inner-city Church of the Redeemer, and today the Community's home is in Aliquippa (near Pittsburgh), Pennsylvania, with members living in England. To visit the UK website: Celebration UK (note: this link takes you outside the Celebration website). Currently, the Community's network of Companions and Partners in Ministry stretches across the world.

A religious order? Like monks and nuns?

Yes and no. We’re different from traditional orders: we don’t wear habits, for instance, and our membership includes men and women, married and single, adults and children, clergy and laity. Our rule of life is a modified Benedictine Rule.

What makes us a community?

Worship. At the heart of our life is the daily discipline of worship prescribed by the Book of Common Prayer. Our commitment to worship, as the center of life, is the source of our identity, our ministry, and our music.

What is our mission?

Simply put, to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by living in community and offering ourselves in service to the Church and to the world. We are committed to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourselves; to strive for justice and peace among all people; and to respect the dignity of every human being.
When you listen to one of our recordings, when you sing one of our songs or psalms or hymns, when you participate in one of our retreats or conferences, you share in the fruit of our life together, in our commitment to celebrate all of life in Jesus Christ: the happy and the sad, the successes and the failures, the good and the bad, the whole of life in worship.

View more information about our ministries and hospitality.

Community of Celebration

P.O. Box 309 - 809 Franklin Avenue - Aliquippa, PA 15001

phone: 724-375-1510


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