Celebration Music

The Best of Come Celebrate


2-CD set, 48 songs and hymns, over two and one-half hours of Come Celebrate's most listenable songs.

Volume 1
1. Jubilate Deo (O praise the Lord)
2. O Gracious Light
3. The Grace
4. Kyrie Eleison
5. Jesus, Lamb of God
6. The Song of Simeon
7. Blessing and honor
8. Great and wonderful
9. Morning Psalm
10. Alleluia, He is coming
11. My Lord, he is a’comin’ soon
12. On Jordan’s bank
13. I will rejoice
14. Lord, who throughout these 40 days
15. Jesus, remember me
16. ‘Sanna
17. Christ the Lord is risen!
18. Hallelujah today!
19. Resucito!
20. O clap your hands
21. All Saints’ litany
22. Come to the waters
23. Father, mother, keeper, friend
24. All the riches of his grace
25. Broken for me

Volume 2
1. Coming to the table
2. Jesus is our King
3. Now with God at table we sit down
4. Give him all the glory
5. In the presence of your people
6. Let our praise to you be as incense
7. Oh, give praise to the King
8. Psalm 148
9. Glorious Son of God
10. Hymn of glory
11. Jesucristo Reina, Ya!
12. Oh, the sweetness of your love
13. There is power in the blood
14. Blest are all who fear the Lord
15. Harvest of righteousness
16. Let us give thanks
17. The bell song
18. We love the Lord
19. You are my witnesses
20. His love lights our path
21. The servant song
22. God, make us your family
23. Hail to the Lord’s anointed

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