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Discovering the Riches of Orthodox Spirituality

June 17-20, 1999

Gilmary Conference Center, Coraopolis, PA

Orthodox spirituality already influences us more than we may realize. For example, icons, the "Jesus prayer," one of the Eucharistic prayers from The Book of Common Prayer, and many of our hymns and prayers come to us from the Eastern tradition. Additionally, many of the early church fathers whose writings are now so influential came from what became the Orthodox Church.

Orthodox spirituality has a rich heritage which we began to explore at this year's conference. As the 1998 conference on Celtic Christianity, we focused both on the tradition itself and on its potential to nurture and deepen our own spiritual lives.

Click here for an article from the April 1999 edition of News from Celebration.

The following is a book list from this 1999 conference. May it help you in discovering even more riches of Orthodox Spirituality.

Orthodox Spirituality Book List

 Cabasilas, Nicholas, A Commentary on the Divine Liturgy, St. Vladimir’s Sem. Press

Callanan, John, God in All Things, ISBN 0-385-47427-X, Doubleday

Castle, Tony, Gateway to the Trinity, ISBN 0-8543-9273-4, The Guernsey Press Co. Ltd.

Clendenin, Daniel (ed.), Eastern Orthodox Theology - A Contemporary Reader, Baker Books

Clendenin, Daniel (ed.), Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A Western Perspective, Baker Books

Chittister, Joan, A Passion for Life, ISBN 1-57075-076-9, Orbis Books

Colliander, Tito, Way of the Ascetics, ISBN 1-88141-049-7, St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press

Dalrymple, William, From the Holy Mountain, ISBN 0-8050-5873-3, Holt

de Mello, Anthony, Sadhana, a Way to God, ISBN 0-3851-9614-8, Doubleday

Forrest, Jim, Praying with Icons, ISBN 1-5707-5112-9, Orbis Books 

Forrest, Jim, Pilgrim to the Russian Orthodox Church, Crossroads Publishing 

Hart Clifford, Patricia, Sitting Still, ISBN 0-8091-0470-9, Paulist Press

Huyghe, Rene, Byzantine & Medieval Art, Hamlyn Publishing Group

Jaoudi, Maria, Christian Mysticism East & West

Kroug, Gregory, The Light of Christ, ISBN 0-88141-096-9, St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press 

Lossky, Vladimir, Orthodox Theology

A Monk of the Eastern Orthodox Church, Orthodox Spirituality, St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press

Merton, Thomas, Mystics and Zen Masters, Dell Publishing

Nouwen, Henri, Behold the Beauty of the Lord , ISBN 0-8779-3356-1, Ave Maria Press

Ouspensky, Leonid, The Meaning of Icons, ISBN 0-913836-77-X, St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press

Ramos-Poqui, Guillen, The Technique of Icon Painting, ISBN 0-85532-647-6, Search Press 

Talbot Rice, T., Icons, Art & Devotion, 1-85891-107-9, Bracken Books

Ugolnik, Anthony, The Illuminating Icon, Eerdmans Publishing

Underhill, Evelyn, Mystics of the Church, 0-2276-7820-6, James Clarke & Co. UK

Ware, Kallistos, The Orthodox Way, ISBN 0-9138-3658-3, St. Vladimir’s Seminary

Ware, Timothy, The Orthodox Church  ISBN 0-1401-4656-3, 

Zibawi, Mahmoud, , The Icon, ISBN 0-8146-2264-X, The Liturgical Press


Pysanky Books         

Ukranian Easter Eggs and How We Make Them, by Anne Kmit, Loretta L. Luciow, Johanna Luciow & Luba Perchyshyn, ISBN 0-9602502-0-4

Ukranian Design Book (set of Three) by Natalie Perchyshyn, Luba Perchyshyn, Johanna Luicow & Anne Kmit, ISBN 0-9602502-2-0, 0-9602502-4-7, and 0-9602502-5-5.


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