How do we allow God to transform us by the renewal of our minds? That's a
common question for today's Christian and for today's Church. This
conference is designed to teach practical skills for just that purpose.
Three things are implied in the title, Formed by the Word. The first is
that "the Word" is principally the word made flesh, Jesus. Secondly, "the Word"
is also the word written, the Holy Scriptures, the Word of God. Thirdly,
Christian formation is something that God works in us. He forms us and conforms
us into the image of Jesus his Son. Just as a conversion is a work of the Holy
Spirit, so is our sanctification a work of the Holy Spirit. He is the one who is
able to bring to completing the good work that was begun in us.
So, this conference is about a prayerful way to read the Scriptures and a way to
pray throughout the day so that we can put ourselves in the place of letting God
form us, individually and corporately, in Christ.
He Will Bring to
Your Remembrance: A Theology of Recollection
Facets of the Gem: The Collects as a Pastoral Basis for Corporate
The Cell of Self-Knowledge: Knowing Humanity, Jesus' and Ours
Minds Stayed on Jesus: The Art of Reflection and Recollection
Tying Up Loose Ends